LOGISTICS from Mykonos to Preston
Logistics getting back from Mykonos to my next place were quite difficult and required a lot of planning and trains and hotels. Rosie landed at Gatwick in London around 4pm on Friday the 14th. Rosie was very nice to let me ride back with her up from Gatwick to Leeds because it was logistically much easier for me to do that than to do anything else. After a rainy 4-hour car ride, Rosie dropped me off at a hotel near Leeds train station. It was late, I was tired so I just went to bed. Saturday, I got a train to Manchester to stay in a hotel I had already booked there before and couldn’t change (boring travel details that I won’t go into). Getting from Leeds to the Manchester airport, especially on a weekend, is no small feat, and I just don’t think it should be that difficult! It took me 3.5 hours using public transit, what it would likely take about 1 hour to do with a car. So much more difficult! Anyway, I stayed at the airport hotel in Manchester Saturday evening. I actually got to have brunch with my friend Lucy (another teacher I worked with at Fred Longworth a few weeks prior) Sunday morning. It was so great to see her again! And then she dropped me at a train station near where we had brunch and I traveled up to Preston, the town nearest to the next school I’m going to – Broughton High School. Preston is about maybe a 30-minute train ride north from Manchester, but when you factor in the walking and the waiting and all, it always just seems like it takes so much longer than it should. And carrying my big suitcase is getting VERY OLD. From the Preston train station, I had to get a taxi and ride about 15 minutes north to yet the third hotel of the weekend. This hotel was only 5 minutes from the high school so my goal was to get there so that Stuart, the music teacher I’m with this week, could pick me up from there for school on Monday morning. From there I will go and stay at the home of a teacher at Broughton High who has volunteered to host me. That will be so nice. But PHEW! What a whirlwind few days of travel! Five different beds/rooms in five nights between Thursday night and Monday night.