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Musings about Transportation at the end of January


Four weeks ago when I arrived on January 3 I was really nervous about getting around town. There’s the underground, there are buses, there’s the overground, and that’s just within and around London. I just didn’t really understand how to make any of it work, or where to start. And it really irritated me when people would say, “Oh, it’s pretty easy!” Well, that may be true once you figure it out, but you have to actually GET TO THAT POINT.

What I have learned at this point is if you have a place you need to go, you will figure it out! And to just ask a worker if you have a question! There are lots of people that are stationed around in the big stations and so I just ask them whenever I am not sure where to go. They have been very helpful and friendly pretty much every time I’ve asked. Because yes, it is easy once you get the hang of it, but even still, it’s a bit confusing if you’re doing something new.

So, for example, when I was coming up to Cambridge, I had to use the Thameslink overground rail, which was something I had not done before. I may have used it when I went to Brighton Beach but I used a different way of getting there. I’ve been typically using the CityMapper app to get around London. But when you leave London, you can’t use that app anymore. So I have been using Omio, which seems to get you to places all around the UK, I think.

I’m also starting to sort of understand how much things cost. For example, to go to Brighton Beach and back, I think it was a total of about 23 pounds. To get to and from the Hayes School every day is about 1.65. To go into London and back from Bromley is about 12 pounds. At least I think it’s all there and back but I could be wrong about that. I’ve still not figured that out yet. But it doesn’t matter because I have to do it. When I go to Norwich, I’m going to have to use an app called Greater Anglia. And I think to get to and from this high school every day is going to cost me about 12 pounds daily. That’s gonna be expensive.

Anyway, these are my musings about transportation at this point.

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