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A regular Sunday church service


This is jumping back to Sunday, November 6…

Today I went to John-Doe’s church for the second time. It is an Evangelical Presbyterian Church and the name of it is Good Shcpherd Congregation. This was a more normal service so it lasted from 9 until about 1pm (instead of the 3pm release time we had last time I went, for the very special service). It was also inside, which was nice, and they were much fewer people because it was just a regular service. It was cool to see how a regular church service is done. I played flute, and there was a choir, and there were drummers on traditional drums, and John-Doe played mostly keyboard, but he also did some trumpet. He clearly runs everything. It was really amazing to watch him work, and just keep the service going. Each Bible study group (divided by gender, it appeared) stood up at some point and sang their own song for the rest of the congregation. That was really cool to see. And of course, there was dancing when they were taking up the offering. At the end of the service, they asked if there were any visitors and of course, everyone knew I was a visitor. So I had to get up and speak to the congregation and tell them who I was and why I was there and such. So I tried to speak slowly when I spoke, but apparently when I was done, they did not understand me. It was funny because the lady who was running that part of the service looked at John-Doe and said something to him. So he went up there, and basically said all the stuff that I said again, but in Ewe – the language that people from the Volta Region speak. When he came down, he laughed and said, “They couldn’t understand you!” It was pretty funny. Everyone is so nice there, much like everywhere I go in Cape Coast. It was a lovely Sunday morning.

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