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Saturday morning August 6


My days go between very exciting outings and boredom/anxiety while sitting at home by myself. Yesterday was probably the highlight of my time here so far. I was able to meet Antoinette Kudotu at her home! And we drummed together for a bit! Antoinette is a female drumming master who I have been in touch with since I started thinking about coming to Ghana. We spoke on the phone a year or so ago and she was so wonderful and told me when I get her to let her know and I can work with her. So I met her on day 3 here!

My new colleague/friend Medina (first female professor I have met since I've been here, which is exciting in itself!) was going to interview Antoinette and I got to tag along . Listening to her story while she answered Medina's questions about being a female master drummer gave me useful context for who she is and what she is about and what she does now. It was an amazing experience. Unfortunately I didn't get to take any pictures because I was so in the moment and didn't think about it. More pics will come because I'm going to go join her group, DrumGhana, which meets on the beach a few times a week. (A drum circle by the beach?! Yes, please!) She gave me permission to pull a pic from her Facebook page so you can "meet" her. Just an amazing person.

When the interview was done, Antoinette gave me, Medina, and M's husband a drum, and she started singing and drumming. M and her husband began singing the song, adding harmonies and other parts. I sat and listened and just took it in - amazing. Then Antoinette taught us a few different ways to hit the drum and we played for a bit. I'm so excited to keep working with her!

Medina and her husband drove me home, and the rest of the afternoon I was so happy from that experience. I had a wonderful phone conversation with a couple of friends. It was really great to talk with them and not be completely emotional. I was riding my high from visiting Antoinette. It was wonderful to hear one friend who has traveled abroad quite a bit tell me about her experiences when she was first studying abroad and on sabbatical by herself. It's good to know that pretty much everyone who has done this type of trip has experienced the same emotions as me: homesickness, loneliness, uncertainty; but then eventually you find your stride and learn to normalize life. Every day is getting a little better. Regardless of how I feel emotionally, I'm so glad to be here and trying to soak in every moment.

Conversations with friends from home, whether texting or on the phone, is helping me so much here. If y'all are reading this, keep them coming!

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